Home NonCompliance

Hargreaves Lansdown
Issue: Costs Misrepresented Web: Archive Live

Jan 2024


Reduction in ETFs Ongoing Charge not reflected accurately to clients
Cost change
SSGA reduced the SPY5 annual charge from 0.09% to 0.03% in the battle to provide the cheapest S&P500 ETF tracker. It did this the latter part of 2023. Click here to see a news article of the time. HL - as of January 2024 - are yet to display all the correct information to clients purchasing this ETF on the HL platform
Pre-sale disclosure and 'Costs and Charges' regulations
The disclosure document (the 'KIID') on HL's website is wrong and still reflects the 0.09% charge. Link here You can also observe that whilst the KIID is wrong, the quoted OCF is correct at 0.03 within the 'COSTS' section. Where things go wrong again is when the client is shown all 'costs and charges' they can expect over a period of time (This is mandated by the Regulations) See HERE
Breach of MiFID disclosure rules
It's fair to say lesser experienced investors would come away from the situation with no idea what they were going to pay for this product. This is counter to the regulators expectations and why Costs and Charges Regulation exists.

HERE is some light reading on a review carried out by the FCA in to such issues in 2019 https://www.fca.org.uk/publications/multi-firm-reviews/mifid-ii-costs-and-charges-disclosures-review-findings


As of Feb 2024 the KIID attached to HL clients stills quotes a 0.09% charge. 3x the actual cost.
It's fair to suggest this is a data vendor issue but aren't HL ultimately responsible for the data they show to clients?
Hargreaves Lansdown
Issue: ISA Compliance Web: Archive Live

Jan 2024


Delisted to a non recognised exchange for ISA purposes
ZIVO failed to meet US listing standards and was delisted to the Other The Counter (OTC) exchange. You can see this by viewing the Nasdaq website here and view the 'Exchange' section
HMRC rules
OTC is not a 'listed' Exchange as defined by the HMRC. That means assets listed solely on these Exchanges are not allowed to be held in a Stocks & Shares ISA (there are exceptions and a few technically complex caveats to this but they do not apply in the case of ZIVO)
Breach of HMRC rules
Hargreaves Lansdown may not have affected clients - we can not know. Any client that is holding ZIVO on HL should be removed from the ISA wrapper. HL should then report any breach of the rules and any client impact. But by still allowing the asset within the ISA wrapper HL are exposing themselves to greater risk of regulatory fines and demostrating they do not have 100% grip on their instrument data and critical processes that should prevent issues such as this.


As of Feb 2024 the issue presists
It's likely HL had no clients affected by this issue. However, shouldn't their data processes pick this important change up and prevent future trades into the asset?

Trading 212
Issue: Complex Asset regulations Web: Archive Live

Jan 2024


Allowing retail traders to access Complex Assets without mandatory pre-sale questionnaire
BRNL should probably (even though it does not utilise leverage and is physically backed) be classifed as 'complex' according to the FCA here and ESMA (see here) Since it is structured as a non UCITS ETC - for pure safety - Trading212 should throw up the 'apporpriate' test before any retail trader purchases for the first time. Issues can be seen with T212 underlying data that does not correctly identify BRNL as an ETC an therefore creates this non-compliant situation. We were able to trade this and other ETCs without being asked to ever complete an appropriateness text (see here)
MiFID rules
MiFID wanted to 'protect' consumers. Whether is does or doesn't is not really important. It certainly made things more, ahem, 'complex'. Either way, this is a breach of the rules. The rules (see here) reuire a pretty simple warning and questionnaire (like this) to be presented
Breach of MiFID rules
No, not the worse crime ever, but a pretty simple data issue for us to spot - so why haven't Trading212 ?


As of Feb 2024 the issue presists
The Trading212 data does still not tags this (and other) assets correctly as ETCs
Trading 212
Issue: ISA Compliance Web: Archive Live

Jan 2024


Delisted to a non recognised exchange for ISA purposes
VAPO failed to meet US listing standards and was delisted to the Other The Counter (OTC) exchange. You can see this by viewing the Nasdaq website here and view the 'Exchange' section
HMRC rules
OTC is not a 'listed' Exchange as defined by the HMRC. That means assets listed on these Exchanges are not allowed to be held in a Stocks & Shares ISA (there are exceptions and a few technically complex caveats to this but they do not apply in the case of VAPO)
Breach of HMRC rules
Trading212 may not have affected clients - we can not know. Any client that is holding VAPO on Trading212 should be removed from the ISA wrapper. Trading212 should then report any breach of the rules and any client impact. But by still allowing the asset within the ISA wrapper Trading212 are exposing themselves to greater risk of regulatory fines and demostrating they do not have 100% grip on their instrument data and critical processes that should prevent issues such as this.


As of Feb 2024 the issue presists
You can see from the URL that T212 still allows trading of VAPO in an ISA
Trading 212
Issue: ISA Compliance Web: Archive Live

Jan 2024

ZIVO Delisted to a non recognised exchange for ISA purposes
ZIVO failed to meet US listing standards and was delisted to the Other The Counter (OTC) exchange. You can see this by viewing the Nasdaq website here and view the 'Exchange' section
HMRC rules
OTC is not a 'listed' Exchange as defined by the HMRC. That means assets listed on these Exchanges are not allowed to be held in a Stocks & Shares ISA (there are exceptions and a few technically complex caveats to this but they do not apply in the case of ZIVO)
Breach of HMRC rules
Hargreaves Lansdown may not have affected clients - we can not know. Any client that is holding ZIVO on HL should be removed from the ISA wrapper. HL should then report any breach of the rules and any client impact. But by still allowing the asset within the ISA wrapper HL are exposing themselves to greater risk of regulatory fines and demostrating they do not have 100% grip on their instrument data and critical processes that should prevent issues such as this.


As of Feb 2024 the issue presists
You can see from the URL that T212 still allows trading of ZIVO in an ISA

Issue: Stamp Duty Web: Archive Live

Jan 2024


AJBell tell clients purchasing CRH they will pay 0.5% when they actually pay 1%
SDRT vs Stamp Duty
What rates apply to what assets can be complex in the event of dual listings and changes in Domicile. Yet CRH is an Irish Incorporated Company with no additional structural oddities that would cause it to be taxed elsewhere. As such it suffers a 1% Stamp Duty charge levied by the Irish Commissioners (not SDRT by HMRC)
Cost and Charges rules
Clarity around costs has been atthe centre of numerous Regulatory changes for many years. Showing retail clients what they will pay has been emphasised many times by many regualtors.
Clients might be surprised to find they paid 2x the stamp duty they were quoted pre-sale


As of Feb 2024 the issue presists
The AJBell site has not updated and still misquotes costs
Issue: Overseas Transaction Taxes Web: Archive Live

Jan 2024


AJBell does not tell clients purchasing L'Oreal (Euornext:OR) they will pay 0.3% French Transaction Tax upon purchashing the stock
European Transaction Taxes
What transactions taxes applied to what assets can be complex as the criteria are ever-changing, hard to monitor and affect assets other than the directly listed stock -- for example, Depository Receipts of the Ordinary/Common.
Cost and Charges rules/European Taxation rules
Clarity around costs has been at the centre of numerous Regulatory changes for many years. Showing retail clients what they will pay has been emphasised many times by many regualtors.

Also, not charging and/or not paying your regulatory mandated fees to various Worldwide Governments is not a good look!

It is unclear whether AJBell do charge 0.3% French FTT or not. Regardless, the website is at best misleading and (if they do not charge) and worst non-compliant


As of Feb 2024 the issue presists
The AJBell site has not updated and still misquotes costs

Interactive Investor
Issue: ISA Web: Archive Live

Jan 2024


Kindred is structured as a Swedish Depository Receipt. As such it needs an ISA-compliant parent entity to be able to be purchased within UK ISA wrappers. Financial disclosures from Kindred Group detail no such legal entity that could support the Swedish Depository Receipt. It is therefore not eligible for ISA wrappers. As seen here by HL
Depository Receipts
A complex issue surrounding Beneficial Ownership. That is to say - who owns the actual shares? Certain DR structures do not legally prescibe 'ownership' in a way the HMRC likes. Therefore the DR has to have a Compliant undertlying/parent/common/ordinary listing supporting the DR and compliant in its own right.
Breach of HMRCs ISA Manager rules
Holding Ineligible assets in your ISA can invalidate your ISA. The manager can undertake a 'repair'. Although rules state how this should be done, in relaity we have seen different practices applied to resolving these issues. So compliant. So not so compliant. The non-Qualifying asset should be removed from the ISA, the ISA subscriptions rebalanced and the asset moved to the clients GIA exposing it to Capital Gains. The breach should also be reported to the HMRC. All-in-all : not a nice situation for clients or brokers to be in !

We will never know if ii have any clients holding this asset in their ISA. Maybe they do. Maybe they don't. However it does not inspire confidence that their procedures do not pick this up.


As of Feb 2024 the issue presists
The ii site still shows Kindred as Eligible for ISA wrappers.

Lloyds Stockbrokers
Issue: ISA Web: Archive Live

Feb 2024


Having delisted from the a Recognised Exchange in the US NVTA now trades Over-the-Counter (OTC). This is not a Recognised Exchange for ISA purposes. See here
Depository Receipts
HMRC prescribes Exchanges that are Compliant and Non Compliant for ISA purposes. Most Exchange have lower 'tiers' - think moving from the Main LSE Exchange to AIM for example. Some movements matter less for ISA purposes. Some matter a lot. Delisting to a unrecognised exchange (with a few technical caveats that I won't go in to here) render your previous Eligible shares Ineligible and needing to be removed from the ISA wrapper.
Breach of HMRCs ISA Manager rules
See various issues with ISA Eligibility above

We will never know if Lloyds have any clients holding this asset in their ISA. Maybe they do. Maybe they don't. However it does not inspire confidence that their procedures do not pick this up.


As of Feb 2024 the issue presists
The site still shows NVTA as Eligible for ISA wrappers.
Lloyds Stockbrokers
Issue: Transaction Costs Web: Archive Live

Jan 2024


Many submissions reported Lloyds brokers (Halifax, Bank of Scotland and iWeb) having very odd transaction charges associated with common, very popular ETFs. All Lloyds brokers (lazily) use the term 'typical transaction costs' rather than quoting the actual transaction cost as prescribed by European and UK Regulation. See here And some god stuff here The latter is actually a FCA paper reviewing such situations with the conclusion 'it's not as good as it should be and everyone should get better, please!'
All Loyds brokers being a case in point. The actual Transaction Cost for VUSA is 0.02 See here Not the 0.188% that Lloys quote across EVERY ETF on their platforms.
Costs and Charges Disclosures
HMRC prescribes Exchanges that are Compliant and See above. Cost disclosure pre-sale is a key thrust from the Regulators.
Breach MiFID II
Again, already written about above. The basic principle is simple : disclose these costs to clients before purchase.

It seems incredibly lazy to use the 'typical transaction cost' calculation and blanketly apply it to every ETF on your platform when the actual transaction costs of each differ considerably.


As of Feb 2024 the issue presists
Every ETF is still quoted at 0.188%

Wealthy hood
Issue: Key Info Docs Web: Archive Live

Jan 2024


A popular ETC to track the Gold price. Every key information document on the Wealthood app appeared to be very much out of date when we checked in Jan 2024. SGLN was especially odd as Welathyhood attached a Factsheet instead of the manatory Key Info Doc. See here
MiFID II Costs and Charges
Whilst moderately amusing and likely just an oversight it is technically a breach of rules. This is compunded by the fact EVERY KIID on the platform is old and very much out-of-date as of Early 2024
Pre-sale cost disclosure
Noted at various points above. Cost disclosure and understanding of the asset risks is very much at the forefront of the Regulators minds when mandating these rules. To not comply with them - intentially or unintentionally - potential exposes your client to trading an asset they neither understand the characteristics of nor the price of.

Yes, we agree this is harsh. But a rule is a rule. No likely got hurt. But that's not really the point. The completely wrong documents across the entire platform suggests minimal attention is paid.


As of Feb 2024 the issue presists
No change has been noted.